Tuesday, October 2, 2018

September is over...

So September has ended and I just want to share with you all that happened in my little author world.

Once again another month has passed and the words still elude me. This month I tried to start writing a new novel and only managed to write a measly 1,604 words. I really don't know what has happened with my writing. I remember a time when 1,604 words were a warm up!

Hopefully October will bring new life to my fingers.

This month I decide to start back and try to do the whole "marketing" thing again. 

First off, I dropped Love's Curse to 99p in every market on Amazon kindle. Get your copy here US UK 

Then I contact reviewers on Instagram and a few different blogs to see if they would review Aybss.

Here are a list of reviewers that reviewed the book:
Hannah May Book Reviews (reviewed in August) gave Abyss 3 Stars. Here is her review.

Sheri (reviewed in August) gave Abyss 5 Stars. Here is her review.

Lauren gave Abyss 4 Stars. Here is her review.

My friend also sent Noelle Kelly a review copy back in May. She gave Abyss 4 Stars. Here is her review.

Abyss is currently with more reviewers and I expect to get a few more reviews this month! Any book reviewers out there reading this, get in touch!

In terms or reading this month, I had a really good one! Best one all year!

I won a copy of A.J. Finn's novel, The Woman in the Window. Honestly I wasn't that impressed by it. It was just another over hyped book. 

Then I read, Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence. Man that book was so good that I dived straight into the sequel, King of Thorns. Thankfully I got Emperor of Thorns a week after finishing King and I am currently half way through the book. The trilogy was bought to me as a gift and I am truly grateful for them! Such an amazing trilogy!!! and I encourage everyone who reads this to go out and buy them straight away!!

I had started reading The Father of Lies by S.E. England, but when I got Emperor I dropped it, I shall finish it this month.

I also finished reading Sparkles of Blue: Sleeper Chronicles by Ray Zdan. I came across an Instagram advert saying free PDF download of the book, so I did as the cover art was pretty cool. The book didn't work for me... It had great promise but it wasn't executed nearly as well as it could have been.

Planing on reading another few this month. Way behind on my Goodreads challenge for the year so need to catch up.

Be back soon!


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